Police in Nairobi arrest more than 500 Somalis in ongoing swoops in Eastleigh area



It is estimated that more than 500 Somalis were arrested in Eastleigh in a police operation in the area after reports emerged that Al-Shabaab was planning to carry out attacks in Kenya especially in Nairobi. There is heavy police presence in Eastleigh which is largely

There is heavy police presence in Eastleigh which is largely Somali inhabited by Somalis with police asking for identification documents and arresting those who fail to produce them. Police also

Police also carryout house to house searches during the night saying the move is part of the exercise to bolster security within the city.

Public and private vehicles entering and leaving the estate are also searched at roadblocks. Al-

Al-shabaab recently posted on social media that they will carry attacks on the Kenyan parliament and other important installations within the city.


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