Pipes arrive for Hargeisa water supply extension


A delegation including the representatives of Hargeisa Water Agency (HWA), Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) and HUWSUP Project are, today, here, at Berbera Port to witness the arrival of the pipes and fittings for the planned installation of new 600MM DI pipes from Geed Deeble to Chinese Reservoir which will replace the 2 timeworn 300MM old water transmission pipeline to increase the transmission capacity from 9000 cubic meters  per day to a maximum of 30,000 cubic meters  per day.IMG_3890

Hargeisa has grown from less than 180,000 in the 1970s when the current water scheme was built to as much as 1,000,000 today increasing the demand for clean water. In this respect, Hargeisa city is currently facing acute water shortage. In order to address this water shortage, the Government of Somaliland, through Hargeisa Water Agency, has embarked on a vigorous programme aimed at improving  the water supply system by executing a series of activities to increase the amount of water available and improve the distribution network. These activities are implemented by UN Habitat and co funded by the European Union and the SDF via the Hargeisa Urban Water Supply Upgrading Project (HUWSUP). The SDF co-funding to HUWSUP is US$8.6M out of which US$7.2M USD is funding for the pipes and fittings.

Over the next two weeks, trucks will transport these pipes and fittings to a storage site in Hargeisa. From the storage site, these pipes will be laid to transmit water over a distance of 23 km from the well field in Geed Deeble to the Chinese reservoir.IMG_3923

Hargeisa Water Agency (HWA) is a government utility entity established in 1974 to operate the bulk water supply system which was built by the Chinese in Hargeisa town. HWA has the mandate to supply water to the people of Hargeisa.

SDF is a 4 year fund funded by the Department for International Development (DFID), the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the Norwegian Government (Norway) and the Netherlands designed to support the Government of Somaliland (GoSL) to fill critical gaps by supporting projects that are fully aligned to the National Development Plan (NDP).IMG_3896


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