10 things to know about climate change and financing for development


For theThird International Conference on Financing for Development, the 10 things you need to know about climate change and financing for development are;

  • Tackling climate change opens better paths to development
  • The $5 trillion to be spent on transport should improve energy efficiency and bring health benefits
  • As developing countries ramp up investment, the cost of clean energy is plummeting
  • Protecting forests protects livelihoods and addresses climate change
  • Climate resilient agricultural investments can help end hunger
  • Spending on social protection can enhance resilience to climate change
  • Disasters already cost $100 billion a year – and climate change may make this much worse
  • Developing countries are investing in climate action
  • Financial institutions are finally starting to promote low-carbon development and manage climate risk
  • More climate finance doesn’t mean less aid for poor countries

Source: ODI – Shaping Policy for Development


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