Israeli policewoman protected by Palestinians as settlers throw rocks at authorities


A striking photo has surfaced online of two Palestinian men reportedly shielding an Israeli policewoman while being pelted with rocks being thrown by Israeli settlers.The picture was seemingly taken by Shaul Golan, a photographer for Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

It was taken at Aish Kodesh, an outpost on the West Bank, considered by the United Nations and International Court of Justice to be part of the occupied territory.

The clashes, which saw Palestinians and anti-occupation activists come to blows with right-wing settlers, took place near the settlement outpost of Aish Kodesh, and the Palestinian village of Kusra, earlier this week. Palestinians and supporters argue the settlers are living illegally on the land.Embedded image permalinkAs clashes broke out, two Palestinians stepped in to protect the police woman, who was reportedly having rocks thrown at by the settlers. One of the men sheltering the Israeli officer was Zakaria Sadah, a Palestinian field worker for Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR), an Israeli human rights organisation that works in the area.

“While it is natural that the security forces may identify more with their own people,” RHR said in a statement, “procedures regarding law enforcement in situations involving violent Israelis must be clearly laid out and consistently implemented.”

Isralie forces were called, as the the two groups threw stones at each other and when the IDF soldiers arrived, rioters pelted them with stones as well, the IDF said.

Source: The Independent


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