Somaliland: SONSAF re-launches the Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum


The Somaliland Non- State Actors Forum (SONSAF) re-launched the Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum (SCISEF), Sunday,  to enhance the role of civil society in the electoral process including the monitoring and observation of voter registration and elections at the regional and national levels. SCISEF will also work as pressure group on policy advocacy and dialogue and it will play impartial role in facilitating the disputes over the registration process and elections. This project is funded by European Union through Saferworld with timeframe of two years.DSC01863

“ Somaliland Civil Society has been working elections and democratization process in the last decade and we are yet dedicated to continue how free, fair and timely elections will be held” said by SONSAF Chairman Mustafe Sa’ad Dhimbiil

The launch, which took place at the Mansoor Hotel, Hargeisa, was attended by civil society actors involved in the democratization process, the National Electoral Commission, (NEC), Members of Parliament, the three political parties, international organizations and other election stakeholders.

The re-launching also encouraged all election stakeholders to come together in order to further discuss considerable issues of Somaliland’s electoral process. “It was really essential that SCISEF has played very important role in the local council elections in 2012 by observing and monitoring the electoral process and elections, therefore, we are committed to support this forum again “said by the National Electoral Commission Chairman Eng. Abdulkadir Iman Warsame

SCISEF consists of 80 civil society and non- state actors across the regions of Somaliland. It is the largest and coordinated body of grassroots policy engagement by promoting inclusive and participatory governance.

Members of SCISEF called for greater cooperation in order to accelerate the electoral process because of concerns about missing electoral laws including House of Representative law.

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