Somaliland Police Force Sets Up Full Training Facilities at Mandhera


The Commissioner of Somaliland Police Force Brigadier General Cabdilliah Fadal Imaan opened new training facilities at Mandheera Police Academy including a mock court, mock police stations, training rooms, library and equipment for training including fingerprinting. The new facilities were part of the Adam Smith International implemented Police Reform Project, which also includes a new regional headquarters in Burco and Borama also scheduled to open later this week.

The Commissioner used the opportunity to update the attending Ministerial delegation and the general public about improved police capacity, a new focus on advance technological development and a continuous drive of Somaliland Police Force to be professional, well trained and efficient.

In the last few years Somaliland Police has developed its network of professional investigators nationally with the assistance of international colleagues to build an investigation capability that best serves its citizens and upholds equal access to justice. Commissioner Brigadier General Cabdilliah Fadal Imaan thanked all the International actors that have worked to support Somaliland Police including the British FCO, DFID and Adam Smith International and looks forward to more development and support for Somaliland Police nationally.

A ceremony was also held for 120 officers graduating from six months recruit training, who will be working across Somaliland to support the Ministry of Finance in tax collection enforcement.Page1


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