Turin, the journey of thirteen-year-old Ahmed from Somaliland to Queen Margherita to take care of the heart


The kid, who suffers from congenital heart disease, will be assisted and then operated by the Fondazione Forma

Ahmed, a 13-year-old boy from Somaliland and suffering from a severe congenital heart disease, will arrive in Turin next week at the Regina Margherita hospital in Turin for caring light. The disease has been diagnosed at Mas Teaching Hospital in Hargeisa.

Ahmed will be cared for at the Cardiology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery of Infantile Regina Margherita Hospital of the City of Health of Turin thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Forma, which deals with the logistics organization of the trip, and the Association of Friends of Cardiopathic Children, which guarantees Food and accommodation to the patient and his mom. The costs of the intervention will be covered by the Region thanks to funds that will help patients from developing countries.

The child

Will be hospitalized at the new Department of Cardiology and Pediatric Cardiology at the Hospital Regina Margherita to carry out the necessary investigations by cardiologists, led by Dr. Gabriella Agnoletti, including a cardiac catheterization. He will then undergo corrective action of pulmonary valvuloplasty and open heart failure by the cardio-surgical team directed by Carlo Pace Napoleone.

Feature Photo: Cardiologist Gabriella Agnolett


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