Somaliland Presidential Election Showcases the ‘True Somali’ Spirit – UCID Candidate Faisal A Waraabe


Engineer Faisal Ali Hussein ‘Waraabe’, presidential candidate for the Justice & Welfare party, UCID, speaking to the press right after the Somaliland electoral body, NEC, made results of the recently concluded election public, spoke highly of how the election was organized, conducted and concluded.

Faisal warmly congratulated the President-elect, Musa Behi Abdi, wishing him well in the daunting responsibility he has been chosen to shoulder.

“You will soon be sworn in as the fifth president of the Republic of Somaliland. I hope you put together an inclusive government that smoothes ruffled expectations, uniting the whole nations as strongly as before,” he said.

“The election the Republic of Somaliland has run was a symbol of perfection and should be proudly showcased to the world by all Somalis whose good name has been repeatedly smeared and trampled upon by adverse events,” the UCID leader and its flag-bearer in the election stated.

Somaliland, he went on to say, showed the world that a Somali was not synonymous with killing, looting, pirating, war, strife and all the bad adjectives the world has come to associate the name with.

“The people of Somaliland,” he said “broke that unflattering, very misleading stereotype of a ‘Somali’,” he said.

Engineer Faisal heartily applauded the role the people of Somaliland have played in the peaceful, organized, highly colorful support they have accorded the candidates of their choice on election day and the rallying events that led to it.

“Somaliland and its people never failed to impress him for their integrity and sense of unity in the face of major events such this last election,” he said.

Faisal also extended condolences to the people who died in the Waddani demonstrations, hoping that the injured will fully recover soon.


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