Somaliland Parliament Calls Somalia Aggression Against Somaliland a Threat To Regional Stability


The House of Representatives (HoR) of the Republic of Somaliland, the lower of a bicameral parliament in place, today, thrashed the Somalia and its Federal Parliament on instigating moves detrimental to regional stability.

The Somaliland parliamentarians, first, reiterated that the restoration of Somaliland sovereignty, the country’s boundaries, right to self-determination and its distinct political identity was sacrosanct, and inviolable.

The RoS said it viewed the motion the Federal Parliament of Somalia passed against DP World on Monday, March 12, as an illegitimate,  against the sovereignty of Somaliland.

“The House strongly condemns the unbridled aggression Somalia has of late trained against the inalienable sovereignty and nationhood of the Republic of Somaliland,” a House Statement said.

The House pointed out  that the political and economic offensive the waek government of Mogadishu has of of recent directed against Somaliland augured ill for the peace and stability currently prevailing in the region, alerting the United Nations, the African Union, the Arab League, IGAD and all its political and development partners to the fact.

The Somalia federal Parliament, although it has no power of Somaliland affairs, passed a motion ‘banning’ the Emirates-owned DP World from a ‘Somalia’ which they, ostensibly, thought included the Republic of Somaliland. Somaliland, since 1991, had nothing to do with the affairs of its erstwhile partner in the ill-fated union of 1960 – and vice versa.

Since the ascent of President Farmajo and his PM to power in 2016, Somalia has been trying to bamboozle the world on a false picture sweeping in Somaliland to their fold albeit the fact that Somalia has descended into small fiefdoms propped up militarily and economically by Turkey, the US and the AU, where Somaliland is its own master.

Somaliland initially into an agreement entailing a wide-range of developmental projects panning out from a 30-year deal with the port managers on Berbera seaport development on 9 May 2016, and was unanimously ratified by the RoS on 9 August the same year. Ethiopia, since then, has been granted 19% stake and the second phase of the deal was concluded in Dubai of the UAE on March 1, 2018.

READ ALSO: Somaliland: Ethiopia Acquires 19% Stake in DP World Berbera Port Government becomes strategic shareholder, investing in Berbera trade corridor infrastructure: Media Release


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