President Bihi Accords Father Jama A Hero’s Welcome


His Excellency the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Musa Bihi Abdi, Saturday, received Jama Mohamoud ‘Jama Yare’ (now popularly changed to ‘Jama Ceeryaan’), the father who positively changed the course of the El Afwein Clans Conflict mediation outcome on end of July.

Father Jama was universally hailed in all of Somaliland as a hero for the tremendous impact a few moving words he made at the venue had on the course of the ongoing mediation process.

Jama, who lost two sons and a nephew – all of whom left large families behind – to revenge killing, moved Somaliland by declaring that he was more than willing to sacrifice his loss for lasting peace.

It came out during his brief, historic address at El Afwein that the three slain men left around thirty children behind.

His words, not only shamed the conflicting clans some members of whom may have still harbored blood-tainted, ill-feelings, but they put the hitherto habituated spiral, revenge killings on a stark spotlight putting it to shame.

READ HEREFather Builds Peace on Blood of Sons Killed in Cold Blood

His Excellency the President, primarily, was to mark Jama’s contribution to peace and the indelible mark it left for present and future generations to emulate.

President Bihi informed father Jama that the state will assume full responsibility of all the children currently under his care.

“That is the least the State can express its gratitude to the maturity you have shown in duress,” the President told him.



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