Madhin, a SOMTEL employee senselessly killed in Mogadishu


The latest victim to senseless, wanton killings, some of which are neither politically motivated nor of Al Shabaab nature, was an employee of the Somali telecommunications giant, SOMTEL.

Mohamoud Abdi Madhin, was a brilliant, upcoming executive and, presently, the finance director of the telecom company’s main office at Mogadishu’s inner business city, Bakaaraha.

A group armed men killed Madhin, Tuesday, near Hared mosque at one of the busiest hours of the commercial center.

The assailants, equipped with pistols, disappeared from the scene before any of them could be apprehended or identified.

Madhin’s death is the latest of a series of similar, targeted killings some of which made no sense at all. One of them was the killing of a nine-year-old pupil a government soldier gunned down.

One-to-one killings had become a daily occurrence in the troubled city of Mogadishu at a time its leaders are either jet-hopping or making heavily guarded cosmetic appearances at sports events to project another image of the city which has no relations to reality.


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