Somaliland: President Siilaanyo insists extension to term ruinous to his reputation


His Excellency the president of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Siilaanyo, Thursday, called members of the National Electoral Commission and the three presidential candidates of Kulmiye, Waddani and UCID to a consultation meeting on outstanding national issues pertaining to the drought and the upcoming elections.

His excellency, first, attentively listened to the different views and suggestions from the leaders and NEC officials present, noting the similarities and the differences.

“It is apparent that you share the views that there is a life-threatening, truculent drought in the country that needs to be combated with all resources available; that the elections cannot logically be conducted on time as scheduled; and that the voter registration cards process cycle be completed as planned. It is also clear that you differ on technicalities,” the president said.

He went on to establish that he was determined to see to it that free and fair elections be conducted, and that, by doing so, neither the country’s unity and image nor the legacy he wished to leave behind as a president be sacrificed.

“To me, another extension to my term in office is not only hurtful but, also, tantamount to an execution sentence,” he emphatically declared.

The President underlined that, in order to avoid the rancor among the political parties which surfaced at the onset of the last extension made to his office, it was imperative to arrive at a solution that was technically and constitutionally correct, conclusive and inclusive as well.

President Siilaanyo asked NEC to come up with a draft which (a) sums up the feelings and views of the three parties’ leaders, (b) safeguards the good name and reputation of the Republic of Somaliland, (c) takes sedate note of prevailing drought, (d) recognizes the inviolability of the Constitutional Court’s enforced resolution on elections (which set the date for the presidential elections), and (e) which accords due respect to the President’s personal reputation and his reluctance to accept another extension of term to his office.

NEC is expected to submit a rationale that sums up all of above to the President within 24 hours, after which the President will, as the constitution dictates, forward it to the House of Elders for deliberation.

Whatever decision, however, will not be final, this time around, without an adjustment to the date coming from the Supreme Court.

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