‘Federal Somalia Not If but How’ – Heritage Institute for Policy Studies


Heritage Institute for Policy Studies
Policy Brief (February 2015)

This brief believes that a successful federfalism fulling taking root in Somalia is not subject to ‘if’s but a matter of time. HIPS puts forward that one should, instead, think of the ‘how’s: “A significant majority of Somalis favor a federal system of governance, despite serious misgivings.”

In this brief, the findings and the messages it contains was gleaned from a  total of 213 people were surveyed at events organized by HIPS in five cities: Mogadishu, Baidoa, Kismayo, Galkayo and Garowe.

Key Messages

  • The majority of those surveyed view federalism as the most suitable form of governance to decentralize
    Somalia, because it facilitates reasonable power sharing among clans, enables regional autonomy and ultimately
    leads to a reduction of conflict.
    • A substantial majority still views the current federation process as deeply flawed, because it is a largely elitedriven
    and externally facilitated scheme that promotes clan identity at the expense of citizenship.
    • Social reconciliation was identified as a prerequisite for a successful implementation of federalism in
    • Despite significant support for a federal form of governance, the Somali people’s understanding on the
    intricate and the nuanced nature of federalism remains extremely low. This highlights the need for a robust civic
    education campaign.

Read the full document in the attached file below:



About HIPS

The Heritage Institute for Policy Studies (HIPS) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit policy research and analysis institute based in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Vision: To advance peace, the rule of law, and a culture of learning in Somalia

Mission: To inform public policy by providing independent empirical research and analyses, and creating an enabling environment for inclusive dialogue


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