18 killed as Al Shabab raids on army base


At least 18 people were killed in an assault on Somalia army base in an agricultural rich town of Afgoye, 30 Km west of Mogadishu, residents said.

The battle erupted after Al Shabab fighters launched an ambush assault on Mukayga military base manned by government soldiers, killing at least 18 people including soldiers and militants.

Somalia military officials told Shabelle Media in Mogadishu that its troops had killed more than 10 Al Shabab militants during the ambush raid in the town of Afgoye.

Meanwhile, Al Shabab militants claimed to have killed at least 8 Somali government soldiers, adding that its militants had destroyed technical military vehicles in the raid.

The latest reports in the battle zone indicated that situation is calm and things have returned back to normal as the fighting subsided, local residents said on Saturday morning.

Source: Shabelle.net


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