Somaliland Constitutional Court begins consultation meetings on elections dates wrangle (Video)


The Republic of Somaliland Constitutional Court  began on Wednesday to consult with primary stakeholders on the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections and the date/s they will happen following a written request on constitutional interpretation and definition of outstanding issues central to the wrangle among the parties, the government and the House of elders of the Somaliland bi-cameral Parliament on scheduling elections.guddoomiyayaasha-saddexda-xisbi

The leaders of the three official political organizations today during a closed session presented their case to the Chief Justice Aden Haji Ali Ahmed at the High Court premises.

Hon. Feisal Ali Waraabe the chairman of the Justice and Welfare party “UCID” briefing the media moments after emerging from the consultation meeting with the chief justice said, “ I would like to thank the constitutional court forgiving us audience , the three parties jointly requested that the previous agreement reached with the Government in the December respect .

“Having said that we also in all due respect acknowledge the decision previously taken by the house of elders “Guurti “to extend the current term of office for the current government and the current parliament but again what’s important is we the three political parties reached an agreement on the date of holding the upcoming elections and that’s what really matters”, he stated.

Hon Feisal Ali Waraabe went on to say, “I hope we shall be able to solve our difference with the Guurti in a civilized and decent manner and we hope the house of elders shall endorse our agreement for the sake of the country and also to smite our enemies”.

On the other hand, Chief Justice Aden Haji Ali Ahmed said, “As you’re well aware of President Silanyo on the 8th of August, 2015 submitted a letter requesting the constitutional court to interpret as to whether or not the Guurti has the authority to extend the mandate of the government and parliament and also to dismiss the agreement reached by the government and three political parties on the upcoming elections timeline so that we can solve the current political impasse.

Members of the house of Elders are expected to meet with the Chief Justice tomorrow.

On the 11th of May 2015, the house of Elders “Guurti”, during an extraordinary session, overwhelmingly voted for a 21 month extension two-year extension of the current government’s term, including a further postponement of the presidential and parliamentary elections due this June.

Source: Somalilandpress/++


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