Swedish Forum Syd arrives to open office in Hargeisa, Somaliland


Minister Mohamed B. Yonis and Vice-Minister Ahmed A. Ismail (keyse) received a large ‪#‎delegation‬ from Sweden who represent an organization called Forum Syd. Among them was the Somaliland’s Representative in Sweden Ambassador Roda. Forum Syd consisted of Ahmed Hassan Country Manager of Somaliland – Somalia, Lisabeth Petersen Head of international Programme Department, Anna Albinsson Head of HR and Administration. Also with the delegation was Peter Hammerstedt Captain of M/Y Bob Barker and Director of ship operations. Peter represents a global environmental organization based in the ‪#‎Netherlands‬, with a mission statement to address issues of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing.

Forum Syd is opening an office in ‪#‎Somaliland‬ and prioritized Somaliland above other countries. Forum Syd has offices in six countries: Lithuania (serving Belarus), Colombia, Cambodia, Kenya. Their Head Office is located in Stockholm, Sweden.

Forum Syd is a ‪#‎Swedish‬ non-governmental member organisation. We work with people and people’s rights. Forum Syd believes that only when peoples rights are being recognized, sustainable and long-term development can take place. The organisation was founded in 1995 and is the biggest platform for civil society in Sweden with more than 150 member organisations. Forum Syd is also tasked with channelling Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) development funds to Swedish civil society organizations (CSOs) who work with international development. In this role, Forum Syd approves, supports and offers capacity training on project proposals and programmes while building networks and acting as an umbrella and platform organization.

Forum Syd is highly enthusiastic to start operations in the Republic of Somaliland and is ready to start a strong bond between the government of Somaliland.

Source: Republic of Somaliland Foreign Ministry



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