Kenya: 1,200 police to guard ‘Prophet’ Owuor Kisumu rally


Some 1,200 police officers will be deployed in Kisumu to secure Prophet Owuor’s New Year’s prayer rally.

Thousands of Christians are expected to attend the prayers from December 28-January 4.

“We want citizens to enjoy their holidays in a secure place,” county commissioner John Elungata told journalists in his office on Monday.

“Security is a collective responsibility. Let us be our brothers’ keeper.”

Elungata said police reinforcements will be brought from neighbouring counties.

The commissioner said Kisumu will host other major functions during the festive season.

Elungata cited the Luo cultural and tourism festival, SMEs shopping festival exhibition and Kisumu’s 114th anniversary.

He said the county expects its population to double as a result of all the visitors.

All police officers on leave have been recalled to enhance security, Elungata said.

The Luo festival will run from December 18-20, with participants including Kisumu, Migori, Homa Bay and Siaya counties.

Elungata, who chairs the county security meetings, said police will not permit lawlessness.

Last year, more than 10,000 people, including those from Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Europe, attended Owuor’s gathering in Kisumu.

Police had a hectic time controlling the crowds.

Elungata said Kenya faces the threat of terror attacks.

The commissioner asked residents to cooperate with police to flush out criminals.

“We are impressed by the improving public-police relations that have helped us get crucial security information,” Elungata said.



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