Dahabshiil Qatar reaches out to Ethiopian communities


In a well-orchestrated, highly appreciated event, Head of Dahabshiil Money Transfer services in Qatar, Abdi Hassan Jama, on Sunday,  reached to Ethiopian communities in this Gulf country as Ethiopians celebrated the Ginbot by sponsoring the event.

The primary objective behind the invitation, however, was to mark the 25th anniversary of the successful overthrow of the Dergue regime of Mengistu Haile-Mariam  in 1991, and the beginning of a multi-tiered renaissance of Ethiopia – politically, socially, morally and economically.

At the event, Abdi Hassan further explained to Ethiopian workers and families currently living in Qatar on how best they could use the international money transfer company’s time-tested services.

In the event, in which high Qatari officials attended, too, both sides conceded in closer cooperation between Dahabshiil and the community, lauding the company’s impeccable, low-rate, fast, trustworthy money transfer services.

Ethiopian Diaspora in the Gulf is one of the largest in the world, and if this is replicated in other countries in the Arabian Gulf, such as the Emirates and Saudi Arabia, both sides will greatly benefit from the cooperation.

Dahabshiil is the only non-Ethiopian money transfer company in Ethiopia that has correctly effected bi-lateral relations with almost all the banks operating in the country, thus covering all geographical points of this vast nation.

Dahabshiil, a leading, home-grown money transfer service provider in most of the African continent, operates in more than 126 countries worldwide placing it at the forefront of non-western remittance companies in the world.Shirkadda Dahabshiil ayaa Habeenkii Xalay Munasabad Balaadhan u Qabatay Jaliyada Ethopia Qatar13342009_1294331423914847_649142023_n13348753_1294332223914767_1672106651_n13342137_1294332007248122_92396262_n13342216_1294330813914908_453464600_n13342333_1294330090581647_1652716212_n13342378_1294330083914981_493420679_n13342449_1294330773914912_1581062370_n13348839_1294330830581573_412869649_n13349176_1294330820581574_738055337_n13382218_1294330877248235_1408271702_n13384903_1294330833914906_672180771_n13384934_1294330917248231_1962109773_n13390951_1294332150581441_2090053913_n13390981_1294330797248243_987039830_n


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