SOMALILAND: Vulnerability of Waddani opposition party to ‘radicalization’


Multiparty democracy has its pros and cons in Muslim communities where radical groups aspire to thwart and hijack the democratic process to their advantage. Somaliland political parties are in dire need of financial support especially when they are in opposition which makes them an easy prey for anyone who has got surplus cash, regardless where that cash originated from. So far political party funding rules and regulations does not exist and the parties do not have a donating member’s base which forces political parties to seek funding from any source.

The radicals have joined Kulmiye when it was in opposition and badly needed their support. After Kulmiye won the election they became the most powerful ministries in the cabinet and turned the country upside down. They managed things with their unschooled and naïve mentality ignoring all the rules of the land. They have attempted to take over the chairman and the presidential candidate posts of the ruling Kulmiye party.

Neverthless, the Somaliland populace and the party apparatus led by Honorable Ahmed Mohammed Mohammud Siillanyo saved the party from the radicals. The party elected Honorable Muse Bihi Abdi as its chairman and presidential candidate for the upcoming 2017 elections. The radicals resigned from the government with the order and advice from Qatari and Saudi based radical organizations such as Muslim brotherhood and Alislaha al islamiya.

While the radicals were in the Kulmiye government they looted public properties, taxpayers money and installed their unschooled crooks in every department of the government from the customs, immigration, security, state enterprises, civil society organizations, election commission, political party registration committee and local authorities. They have created radical traditional leaders who have allegiance with their religious organizations and not the clan they purport to represent. They have belittled knowledge ,meritocracy and preferred their unschooled foot soldiers in the expense of highly educated Somalilanders .Any graduates they  have placed if any, were from islamists funded universities in the Middle east, Africa and Asian countries.

To exploit other vulnerable political parties the same way they have tried to hijack Kulmiye party, first they have approached UCID party but the chairman refused to accept their blind ambition of getting Ucid 2017 presidential candidate.

 Now, the radicals have finally  joined  WADDANI opposition party 10th of October 2016, bargained with money they looted from the state coffers which they publically state that it is in the tens of millions of looted Somaliland taxpayer’s money.

Now Waddani party is dominated by radical groups whom are connected with international radical organizations such as Muslim brotherhood, Alislaha, and Damuljadiid. Lastly Waddani party became an offshoot of international radical organizations. This group who have joined Wadani are not threat only to Somaliland peace and stability but they are also a threat to the regional and global security as well.

Lastly, Waddani party became an offshoot of international radical organizations. This group who have joined Wadani are not threat only to Somaliland peace and stability but they are also a threat to the regional and global security as well.

Waddani party was expected to consider the associated risks with this group and to learn a lesson from the wrongs they have done in the government they resigned from, to the contrary Wadani party welcomed them with fanfare but history will tell what they in turn get from this group. This also paints a dark picture on Waddani party’s call for change, since it has welcomed those whom have done grave wrongs to the country. Therefore the country needs someone who saves the country from this group and their party of Waddani.

In my opinion, the only candidate who has the stamina to save the country from this group and their Waddani party is Kulmiye presidential candidate Muse Bihi Abdi, who have previously succeeded to save this dangerous group from taking the chairmanship and candidacy of Kulmiye party.

Kulmiye presidential candidate, Muse Bihi Abdi is the only candidate who is well conversant with the security, geopolitics and historical undertakings of the Horn of Africa region. He was Somaliland Minister of Interior and security in one of the difficult periods in Somaliland history, when unruly militia groups were scattered all over the country. He participated in the militia demobilization, reorientation, and rehabilitation. He laid the foundation for Somaliland Police and converted unruly militiaman into proper police officers keeping the rule of law and protecting citizens and their properties. He was the chairman of the landmark Baligubadle conference in the 1990s where SNM veterans handed over power to the house of elders. He is well conversant in the dynamics of current insecurity in the Horn of Africa and Arabian Peninsula. He is well aware of the ambitions and desires of some groups to thwart Somaliland democracy and harm not only Somaliland citizens but also adjacent neighboring countries.

In the current age of globalization and digital interconnectedness, he understands well how the security of Hargeisa, London, Addis Ababa and Nairobi are interconnected and how it is important to have close security cooperation.

Hence, this makes Muse Bihi Abdi a suitable candidate to lead this nation, which is an oasis of stability and peace but locates a volatile horn of Africa.

Mohammed Dahir Ahmed




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