Crisis Briefing: Somalia Humanitarian Analysis

1. Key points
  • According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)’s Financial Tracking Service (FTS), donors have committed/contributed US$420.8 million of humanitarian assistance to Somalia since the start of 2016.
  • The United States (US) is the largest donor to Somalia, contributing 19% of total current funding (US$81.8 million).
  • US$12.9 million has been allocated for Somalia from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) in 2016, all of which was under the rapid response emergency window.

2. Recent humanitarian funding to Somalia

Donors have committed or contributed US$420.8 million of humanitarian funding to Somalia since the start of 2016.

The US is currently the largest donor to Somalia in 2016, committing/contributing US$81.8 million (19% of the total). It was followed by the UK, which has given US$55.6 million (13%), and European Union (EU) Institutions (52.9 million).

There is a total of US$4 million in outstanding pledges in humanitarian funding to Somalia in 2016, all from Switzerland.

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