Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) Malpractice and Embezzlement


Somaliland Development Fund (SDF) is funded European countries including; Embassy of Denmark, DANIDA, Norwegian Embassy, Kingdom of Netherland, UKAid, DFiD and other funding agencies.Image result for Malpractice and Embezzlement caricature

Management of European fund has been contracted to BMB Mott MacDonald, an international consulting company, which is responsible for both the strategic and day-to-day management of the Fund on behalf of the Government of Somaliland and the donors, BMB Mott MacDonald has a failed grade F to manage effectively and efficient way. As the matter of fact the magnitude of the funds and nature of negligence are contrary. SDF corruption allegation sky rocketed in the Somaliland.

After comprehensive survey of evidence gathering and information sharing from the Somaliland regions, demonstrated that the funds were not equally distributed in the Somaliland regions, misconduct and not transparent. Some of the regions are lacked the basic needs, water, sanitation, electricity, education, housing and among other. SDF fund are not even aligned millennium development goals (MDG) nor Somaliland Development plan (SDP) and were totally misled, corrupted and politicized.

For last five years the drought affected regions of the Somaliland including; Sool , Sanaag, Togdheer region. Have been requesting projects based on their needs. As, a light dams, water and water extensions, schools, animal farms, grassing and green houses and other environmental development projects. also  their needs  proposals were throw in trashs.

Cursed on BMB Mott MacDonald, they should not take their responsibility very seriously. They even lacked the oversight, delegate the responsibility assigned for. SDF employees and steering committee embezzlement were as business usual. the absence of corruption reporting office both donors and contracted agency.

Corruption continues to be a challenge for Europe fund for Somaliland – a phenomenon that costs the European funds to the Somaliland failure. EU member countries have taken many initiatives in recent years, but the results are uneven and more should be done to prevent and punish corruption.

Europeans are deeply worried about corruption SDF corruption status and BMB Mott MacDonald failed to justify their wrong doings, mishandle and misconduct the Fund. Though the last European delegates visited in Somaliland were committed to handle complaints against BMB Mott MacDonald leave question? Do  EU and UK throws money in corrupted zone?

Lastly ,The SDF corruption status is  marked red-Tape.

By Ahmed Ali Abdi



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