Somaliland: Bus Kills 3 in Horrid Eid Accident


A holiday bus carrying over 22 youngsters from Hargeisa to the coastal beach town of Berbera overturned instantly killing 3 in the last of a series of fatal accidents muffling out young lives short on Semi-paved stretches of roads linking Somaliland main cities.Somaliland, Hargeisa, BerberaThe secondary and upper primary level kids all lived in the same area of Hargeisa, the capital city of the Republic of Somaliland: Jigjiga Yar,  Koodbuur district.

The kids, it was reported, collected the bus fare from among themselves to spend the day, Thursday, on the pristine, very popular beach of Berbera, taking advantage of the Eid El Adha holidays.

It wasn’t to be.

About sixty kilometers from Berbera, near the town of Sheikh Abdal (Mandhera), the bus careened off the road, went head over heels, and was stopped by stunted shrubs, tires spinning up in the air. The passengers were pulled from under the wreckage by other passengers and drivers who stopped by to help out. Three were found dead, according to the Hargeisa Group Hospital morgue attendants. Half a dozen others sustained varying degrees of injuries and were admitted to the hospital for further treatment and observation.

Often uneven surfaced roads, reckless drivers, and faulty vehicle parts claim thousands of lives each year in avoidable accidents, mostly in between the 157-km road between Hargeisa and Berbera or on the 90-km Hargeisa and Wajale custom town.Somaliland, Hargeisa, Wajale


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