Uhuru to UN: ‘Provide predictable, sustainable funding to KDF’ in Somalia

President Uhuru Kenyatta has issued a new demand regarding the financing of Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) which is part of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).

Speaking at the sidelines of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, Uhuru asked the UN and other partners to provide predictable and sustainable funding.

According to Uhuru, template-based mandates that are not situation specific put peacekeepers in awkward positions.

President Uhuru Kenyatta visiting Kenyan troops in Dhobley, Somalia

In particular, the Head of State noted that forces face serious challenges especially when they have to deal with complex and evolving threats.

“Peacekeepers today face a myriad of challenges that undermine their ability to deliver on their mandate. This calls for a decisive intervention to make peacekeeping responsive and fit for purpose,” Uhuru stated.

He further commended the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for launching Action for Peacekeeping Initiative which he said is timely in ensuring that troops deliver on their mandate.

“I am happy to note that this initiative commits to provide clear prioritised and achievable mandates matched by appropriate resources,” Uhuru indicated.

On his part, the UN Secretary-General acknowledged that partnerships with regional and subregional organizations are instrumental in achieving political and operational objectives.

Guterres supported Uhuru’s sentiments calling for predictable, adequate and sustainable financing, which is key to the success of peacekeeping missions.

President Uhuru with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.jpg

“I thank you all for your support to United Nations peacekeeping activities as contributors of troops, police and funding, as managers of peacekeeping mandates; and as Governments hosting peacekeeping missions.

“All of us in the peacekeeping community have an important part to play.  The declaration provides a clear agenda for us to achieve that together. We must now translate our commitments into action and I ask you all to join me in this task,” Guterres added.

By Paul Wanjama



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