President Museveni Says Somalia Has ‘No State’


In a surprising statement, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda said there were many countries that, however, did not function as full-blown states.

NTV Uganda quoted the President as saying “There are many countries that have no State”.

President Museveni went on to say that that those countries were physically there but had no organized authority neither over their people, their territory or the running of their ‘stately’ affairs in an orderly fashion acceptable to their neighbors and/or the international community.

“They are there but they have no organised authority that runs them, Somalia is one of them,” he said.

Looking at the thread of reactions – online and offline – to the Tweet, it appears like a majority of the Somali public reacted positively to the President Museveni’s comments calling it ‘forthright’ and ‘honest’. They say the president may go down in history as the first head of state to honestly portray Somalia for what it really is.

President Yoweri Museveni alluded to the existence of other countries that could be lumped together with Somalia in this sorry category, but that he would not mention them by name – for reasons he did not reveal.

“There are others but I will not mention them for diplomatic reasons,” Mr. Museveni said.

Trying to fill a gap which the ‘stateless’ Somalia authorities failed to act on, some clever bloke somewhere forged a response which, by its many misspellings, absence of stamp, and dearth of diplomatic suaveness, betrays its origin.














“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation herein declares that it suspended its relations with Uganda,” the crude retort stated.

It went on to say that ‘Somalia cautions international governments not to defract, impugn on Somalia sovereignty”.

Uganda was the first country to come to the aid of Somalia to give space to political and traditional leaders build ‘state’ organs. The UPDF pioneered the formation of the AMISOM peacekeeping troops by first arriving in 2007, and eventually building its troop presence in the country to 6,223 officers. Besides, the country had kept a police presence of 201 police officers in Somalia since 2010.

AU Police - Uganda

Ugandan police in Somalia

An African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) guard of honour awaits the arrival of Uganda's Acting Foreign Affairs Minister Okello Oryem at the mission's headquarters in the Somali capital Mogadishu 13 February. Oryem was in Somalia on a two-day visit where he met with the commandship of AMISOM and the political leadership of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). Uganda currently has over 5,000 soldiers and officers from the Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF) serving with 10,000-strong AMISOM mission, along with troops from Burundi and Djibouti. AU-UN IST PHOTO / STUART PRICE.
UPDF in Somalia – the first to arrive in the country

AMISOM troops in Somalia by country, date deployed and number

March 2007 UGANDA (UPDF) 6,223 Banadir (Mogadishu), Middle and Lower Shabelle
January 2014 ETHIOPIA (ENDF) 4395 Hiiraan, Baidoa
December 2007 BURUNDI 5,432  Bay, Bakool, Jowhar
October 2011 KENYA (KDF) 3664 Lower & Middle Juba
  SIERRA LEONE 850  Left the country

Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Burundi and Djibouti form the backbone of AU peace-keeping troops in Somalia. Sierra Leone has also contributed a number of troops for some time.

Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana and Sierra Leone provide police trainers.

Sierra Leonian police officer in Somalia
Sierra Leonian police officer in Somalia

AU police presence in Somalia by country, date deployed and number

2010 UGANDA 201 Beledweyn, Baidoa, Various
October 2013 GHANA 56 Baidoa & Beledweyn
2010 NIGERIA 200 Mogadishu, Baidoa, Beledweyn, Various
December 2013 KENYA 27 HQ, Various AMISOM sectors
2010 SIERRA LEONE 47 Baidoa, Beledweyn, Mogadishu

Members of the Nigerian FPU (Formed Police Unit)

Members of the Nigerian FPU (Formed Police Unit) in Somalia


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