Collusion between Federal Somalia and African Union Individuals For Financial Gain


Mogadishu Online reports after three months of investigations, interviews of various members of the AU, EU and International community that Somalia is at risk of facing new challenges from reckless gangsters in the African Union. The gang wants to exercise unmandated move of taking over managing the politics of Somalia for personal gains, MOL concludes.

Since last year there have been secret talks between some individuals in African Union and some members in the Federal Government of Somalia to cooperate in some suspicious political activities.

The mastermind of the plot is Fred Ngoga from the Conflict Prevention Unit of the AU and supported by AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ismail Chergue, Babatunde Taiwo (handpicked by Fred and Chergue) to lead AU political team in Somalia and other members in Addis Ababa and Mogadishu. On the side of the FGS are President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Kheyre, Minister Jamal Mohamed Hassan, Fahad Yassin Haji Dahir, Abdi Said and some members in Somalia intelligence.

The first stage of the deal is to deploy AU political officers to all Federal Members States and report directly to Fred and Taiwo, who will then share the information from the states to Villa Somalia. Among the tasks in this first phase is to help the FGS plan of getting rid of all presidents of the Federal Member States. Already Taiwo and Fred helped the FGS to create chaos and over throw Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden, and arrest Sheikh Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansur.

The AU team have recently discussed with the financier of this plot Fahad Yassin (former member of Al Ittihad terrorist group), currently the Deputy DG of Somali Intelligence in the way forward of implementing the plan to over throw the presidents of Jubbaland and Galmudug.

The plot to install a pro Villa Somalia leader in Puntland failed, when Said Abdullahi Deni was unexpectedly elected to become the new president. Talks about whether to spare or remove Mohamed Abdi Ware are on the way. Ware switched from the coalition of the FMS leaders last year and announced allegiance to the FGS, but Fahad and Villa Somalia team are still not happy with him, since he previously dared to oppose the FGS publicly.

Fred and Taiwo and their colleagues in Addis Ababa are also supporting FGS plan to establish a new state in Sool and Sanaag regions in northern Somalia. This will be the most dangerous move of this AU-FGS group, because and endless bloodshed is expected to take place in this area, where the clan rivalry is very high. With this perception of blindness acts, there is no possibility of holding Somalia-Somaliland talks, which went silent since Farmajo came into power. It is now clear that Farmajo has the full support of this AU trouble makers no to address the issue of Somalia-Somaliland. It had to be remembered that any attempt to establish a state in Sool and Sanaag prior to resolve the bigger dispute will result infighting among the local clans, between Puntland and Somaliland, and event between Somalia and Somaliland.

Abdi Said and Jamal M Hassan recently met Fred and Taiwo in Addis Ababa to expedite the implementing of the Sool -Sanaagn project.

Last year, these AU individuals had almost caused a civil war in Mogadishu, when they supported President Farmajo and PM Kheyre to get rid of Speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari.

With this attitude, President Farmajo will not fulfil his recent reconciliation pledge in Garowe, since he has the support of this dangerous group from the AU, who are suspected of enjoying financial gains in this power game in Somalia.

Also, the AU team which is involved in this game contribute to the tension that sometimes erupt between the FGS and other international stake holders like IGAD and other countries.

A number of African, Arab and European countries have already expressed concerns over this reckless project, which they believe will cause havoc in Somalia and the entire region of Horn of Africa.

Fred Ngoga, the mastermind of this plot aimed to create more conflicts in Somalia was first employed in the AU by his uncle Nicholas Bwakira, who was the first SRCC and head of AMISOM. During those days allegations were made that Fred, his uncle and others involved in the shoddy establishment of Azania state (Jubbaland) orchestrated by the former Defence Minister of Somalia, Mohamed Abdi Gandi. Gandi and the AU team reportedly pocketed millions of dollars from this project.


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