Farmajo, Kheyrre Promote Clan Boundaries To Undermine Somaliland Sovereignty – President Bihi (pics)


His Excellency the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Musa Bihi Abdi, speaking at the 25th anniversary of the Somaliland National Army, Saturday, accusing the Somalia Federal government and its leaders of promoting clan boundaries to replace internationally demarcated, colonial borders for Somalia, Somaliland.

“Farmajo pushed and shoved the ex-president of the Puntland federal State of Somalia, Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali, to claim parts of Somaliland along clan lines disputing the legality of colonial borders which the whole of Africa accepted and respected,” he said.

The President said no clan has over conquered territory or over another one purely following a clan call.

“History has taught us that beating the clan drum and trying to conquer territories blowing the clan war trumpet never works according to plan. One cannot dispute internationally approved borders to tailor it to clan allegiances,” President Bihi stated.

The President went to point out that the Somalia Federal President, himself, was a living example of how governing people and land because they belonged to own clan was impracticable.

“Puntland must claim Somaliland regions because they shared clan lineage with the dominant clan in that area and I, Farmajo, will rule Somalia from Mogadishu, a territory that was not of his are two phenomena which cannot be reconciled,” he went on to illustrate.

President accused President Farmajo and Kheyrre of sustaining a multi-pronged offensive against the Republic of Somaliland and its case since they came to power in 2017.

“Besides,” he said “Farmajo Kheyrre have waged physical, political and diplomatic warfare on many other fronts including the very hand that protected at Villa Somalia and fed them, too – the United Nations”.

President Bihi pointed out the duo tried to oust the ex-Puntland president towards the end of his presidential term, as they did on others coming under their federal umbrella: Jubaland, Southwest and Galmudug.

President Bihi attended a well-orchestrated event marking end of a quarter of distinguished development to near maturity.

See highlights below.

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