Djibouti: Opposition Party – PADD – Accuses President Guelleh of Creating Al Shabab


There is no question that President Ismael Omar Guelleh is the creator of extremist group Al-shabab. During the Arta conference, Mr. Aden Hashi Farah nicknamed Ayro and future leader of Al-shabab was present at this conference. Ayro and others members of Al-ithihad had several meetings with President Guelleh. Most of Al-shabab leaders are Issaq clan or Gadaboursi and they are relatives of Guelleh. Also, during 2000 Mr. Abdillahi Ali Hashi who was spokesperson of Al-ithihad was living in Djibouti and receiving salary and free housing from government of Djibouti.

Six months after the collapse of Barre regime in Somalia, on 26th of January 1991, two international reconciliation meetings were organized in Djibouti in june and jully in order to establish a Somali gouvernment. Six group of stakeholders were participated those meetings and chosen Ali Mahdi as president of transition of Somalia. Soon after, General Aidid rejected this choice and a civil war started in Mogadishu.
The choice of Ali Mahdi as president of Somali soon after the collapse of Siyad Barre’s regime was not a innocent move from the late president of Djibouti. President Hassan Gouled was done everything he could to make his friend and member of DjiboutiSomalia mafia Ali Mahdi head of Somalia State.
The president Hassan Gouled Aptidon, Idriss Omar Guelleh (nefew of Hassan Gouled), Muraya Garad Ahmed (president of somali women union), Sayid Omar Mugne (managing director of somali fishing society), Ali Mahdi (owner of Hotel Pietro Bearzi in mogadishu), General Secretary of Chamber of Commerce and Somali army and intelligent officers were the first circle of Djibouti-Somalia Mafia. However, there was also another mafia type in Somalia known as “Tutale” and this latter was essentially formed by Marehan clan. This mafia or “Tutale” became powerful after May 1986, due to grave road accident of Siyad Barre who sustained a serious brain injury. This road accident was later qualified as attempt of assassination.
“Tutale” was working closely with Italian mafia known as “Ndrangheta” involved in the smuggling and dumping of nuclear/toxic wastes in Somalia, but, also drugs and arms trafficking. Indeed, french marine force arraigned in January 1987 in Djibouti sea water Lynx a ship containing toxic wastes. Lynx was owned by Fyord Tanker Shipping of Malta and it was chartered by Fin-Chart based in Rome and partner of Swiss Achair & Partners. Both companies were managed by Zuana Achire a society based in Singapore and headed by Mr.Gurda Ceso an Indonesian citizen. Those ships used by the Italian mafia and transporting nuclear and other toxic wastes were coming to Djibouti under authorization of president Hassan Gouled, then they got necessary paper works from Djbouti as if they were containing merchandises from Djibouti and Arab countries before heading to Somalia which is their final destination.
Djibouti held peace conference for Somalia
Somali national peace conference also known as Djibouti conference was held in Arta
town located nearby Djibouti city between April 20th and May 5th 2000. This conference was different than the previous ones, it was more inclusive. There were more civil leaders, scholars, different clans’ leaders, business community leaders and religious leaders.
At the end of the conference a transitional national government (TNG) was
formed. This government had broad international recognition, but a rival group named Somali counsel for restoration and reconciliation (SCRR) contested the authority of the TNG. The SCRR was essentially formed by war lords from different regions of Somalia.
Hidden agenda of Arta’s peace conference for Somalia
– Ismaël Omar Guelleh invited in this conference only Somali diaspora and clans’
elders and religious leaders. He deliberately ignored various war lords.
– In his speech at the end of the conference, he promised the TNG that he will send
military force to oust war lords from Somalia. But, no one knew where Ismael
Omar Guelleh will get that military force to deal with the war lords.
– To select members of the transitional parliament of Somalia, they used the
process known as 4.5, it is a process based on Somali clans. But, president
Ismael requested and obtained an additional 20 members for him. Those 20 more
members of parliament were mainly religious extremists such as “Al-ithihad” etc…
among them there were: Sheikh Omar Faaruq, Sheikh Hassan Agaweyne and so
– Somali poet Abdulqadir Hersi Yamyam said about this conference: “conference
was hijacked by camels’ herder (president Guelleh) and religious extremists, and
Somalia’s future is very dark”. This poet shared his thoughts with his friends at
Hotel Ali-Sabieh in Djibouti during the Arta conference.
Ismaël Omar Guelleh is the creator of Al-shabab. How?
There is no question that President Ismael Omar Guelleh is the creator of extremist
group Al-shabab. During the Arta conference, Mr. Aden Hashi Farah nicknamed Ayro
and future leader of Al-shabab was present at this conference. Ayro and others members of Al-ithihad had several meetings with President Guelleh. Most of Al-shabab leaders are Issaq clan or Gadaboursi and they are relatives of Guelleh. Also, during 2000 Mr. Abdillahi Ali Hashi who was spokesperson of Al-ithihad was living in Djibouti and receiving salary and free housing from government of Djibouti.
Extremists groups in Somalia.
 A group of youth lead by Ayro and leaders of Al-ithihad met in September 1997 in
Mogadishu to discuss the future of the terror organization. Among the well known
participants were: Sheikh Mahamoud Isse, Sheikh Ali Warsame, Sheikh Abdi Wahid,
Sheikh Muhawiye, Ibrahim Haji Djama nicknamed Ibrahim Afghani and Omar Ali Mireh known as Omar Dhere.
The agenda of that meeting was as follows :
I – Giving up the fighting, and dissolving military wing of Al-ithihad
II – Creating centers that teach and propagate the ideology of Al-ithihad
Sheikh Mahamoud Isse, Aden Hashi Farah or “Ayro” and Sheikh Ali Warsame supported option number II during the meeting while, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, Sheikh Hassan Abdoulahi Hersi, Mohamed Haji Youssouf, Ibrahim Haji Djama (Ibrahim Afghan), Omar Ali Mireh (Omar Dhere) and Mohamed Bin-Hodan supporte option I in order to follow the teachings of Sheikh Abdallah Yousouf Azan who believed the armed jihad for the propagation of Wahhabism.
At the end of that meeting Al-ithihad split in three (3) groups:
I – Al-Ihtisam which grouped the supporters of option I
II – Salafiya Jihadiya which grouped the supporters of option II
III – A third group whithout name but that will join latter to Al-shabab
The birth of Salafiya Jihadiya.
Ibrahim Haji Djama (Ibrahim Afghani) became the head of Salafiya Jihadiya. Having
contacts in Kabul, he decided to send young Somalis to Afghanistan to learn
propaganda techniques to spread wahhabism and combat techniques.
The disappearance of Al-ithihad, saddened Ousama Ben Laden and Al-Qaida of Easr
Africa left from Somalia for Kenya where it committed the terror acts us embassies in
Nairobi and Dar es salaam August 7th 1998.
In 2000, Salafiya Jihadiya took foot hold in mogadishu and lower juba in Somalia. They received money and weapons from Djibouti and Al-Qaida.
Salafiya Jihadiya became more active in Mogadishu and later supported the rise of
Islamic courts which took the power from war lords in Somalia.
In January 5th 2005, Salafiya Jihadiya lead by Aden Hashi Farah (Ayro) destroyed
Italian cemetery nearby SOS hospital in Mogadishu. Then, Al-shabab transformed the site a training camp for their fighters and they renamed it Salahadin camp. The head of Salahadin camp was Ahmed Abdi Godane and this camp became second most important training camp for Al-shabab fighters after the Ras-Kamboni one lead by Sheikh Abdulahi Hersi (Hassan Turc).
Council of reconciliation and restoration of Somalia (CRRS).
In 2001, Hussein Farah Aidid son of late General Farah Aidid made the CRRS. CRRS is a coalition of five (5) armed groups from center and southern Somalia. This coalition did not recognize the Transition National Government formed in Djibouti. The CRRS started fighting with the TNG armies.
The CRRS accused the government troops being sympathizing with extremist terrorists such as Al-ithihad and Salafiya jihadiya. Those extremist terrorists became later Al-shabab. Also, CRRS accused president Guelleh to be the one who financed those extremists but back then no one believed the CRRS.
Unfortunately today we know that the CRRS was right about the link between Al-shabab and president Guelleh.
Terror attack at « la chaumière » in 2014 ordered by Ismaël Omar Guelleh.
Muse Robleh Herad (clan Fourlaba/Isse) 36 years old and Hodan Mahammud Isse (clan Isaaq) 29 years old were plowing up themselves in “La Chaumiere” a restaurant in Djibouti on may 24th 2014 around 6PM UT. On May 22nd 2014 their explosive material arrived in Djibouti by commercial truck from Somaliland. One day later the Al-shabab couple arrived loyada border and came to Djibouti with help of Djibouti immigration officer named Suleiman Waberi.
Some dark points about the investigation of this terror attack:
— First the officer who helped those terrorists to cross the border was dismissed
from immigration police and got important amount of money from Ismael Omar
Guelleh to open his own business.
— Second, « La garde republicaine » or GR destroyed the car used by the terrorists.
This destruction was ordered by Ismael Omar Guelleh in order to remove any
evidence that can help investigators to discover the truth.
— The team of police leading the investigation was ordered not mention in their final
report the house used by the terrorists while they were preparing their terror
attack. This house owned by a cousin of Ismael Omar Guelleh is located in
Balbala a large suburb of Djibouti.
All people arrested and put in jail for this terror are innocent and they were used
to cover up the truth.
Finally, those two terrorists were used in order to fool western government who had
bases in Djibouti and make sure they continue to support Guelleh’s regime. Ismael
Omar guelleh requested from Al-shabab to send those terrorists to commit attack in
Djibouti so he could prove western governments that Djibouti is a victim and a target for Al-shabab because of its supports of war on terror.
Fait à Genève, le 20/8/2019
Parti Démocrate Djiboutien – PADD


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