Somaliland to Set Another Democracy Record on May 31


The Republic of Somaliland is poised to set another record in flawless electioneering and 1P-1V elections come May 31, 2021.

The electorate will be picking local and parliamentary representatives once more.

552 candidates have now been approved to run for local council seats in districts all over Somaliland from the far east to the far east, from north to south. Two hundred and forty-six are running for a place in the 82-seat, lower house parliament.

President Musa Bihi Abdi presided, Monday, a national meeting attended by the Vice President and other key members of the government, the Chief Justice, the Attorney General, the leaders of the three national political parties, and the national electoral commission (NEC).

During the meeting, the Commission announced that a final voter list of 1,06,487 was ready after which uncollected VRCs were tallied and shelved aside out of 1,297,838 verified registered voters.

In another rare gesture in African politics, the two opposition leaders Abdurahman Mohamed Abdullahi ‘Irro’ and Faisal Ali Hussein ‘Waraabe’ of Waddani and Ucid parties, respectively, voiced their solidarity with the government and the commission on the set dates for rallies. They also confirmed that party loyals and followers will observe required conditions to ensure a fair electioneering practice.

It was decided to go ahead with the schedule even though Eid holidays and COVID-19 restrictions would naturally conscript the festive-like rallies.

Since 2003, Presidents Dahir Rayale Kahin, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud ‘Siilaanyo’ and the incumbent, Musa Bihi Abdi, changed places peacefully as Presidents of this valiant nation.

This would be the second for parliamentary elections and the third for local councils in a 20-year universal suffrage practice of Somaliland – a feat which Somalia, its erstwhile partner of 30 years preceding 1991, has yet venture on to.

This round of elections is another ‘democracy’ test for the unrecognized Republic which sacrificed its internationally acclaimed independence of 1960 for an ill-fated dream of a Greater Somalia that led to a disastrous union with Somalia.

Due to earned merits in democratic practices  peace, stability, and security rare in a volatile region, international voices calling for the recognition of the ‘best kept secret’ of Africa are on the rise.

Somaliland is the first country to use Biometric Iris Scanning Voting System – the most advanced voting register system in the world – for Elections.

Somaliland will be celebrating its 30th anniversary since reclamation of sovereignty on 18 May – less than a week away. This period cancels out an equal number of years it had been forcibly kept under Somalia-dominated administrations.






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