President Bihi Bids Somaliland Students on Taiwan Scholarships Adieu


His Excellency the President of the Republic of Somaliland, today, received at his office students who won scholarships to Taiwan.

President Bihi urged the scholarship awardees not to fail their country and the high expectations it has of them.

“I strongly advise making optimum use of the chance you have been given. I expect that you will successfully complete your studies in order to import knowledge, know-how and a culture commensurate with the development aspirations of your homeland,” the President stated.

Back in July, the Taiwanese Representative office announced that 20 students have won specialization scholarships, publishing the names and fields.

Since then, apparently, as has been posted on the Somaliland Presidency’s Facebook page, today, the number climbed to 33 including some on partial scholarships.



President Bihi delighted the partial scholarship awardees by underwriting their ticket fares to Taiwan.

Parents who attended the reception amply expressed their feeling to the President, his government and the Taiwanese government for the opportunities given to the students.

The scholarship beneficiaries are going to universities in Taipei, Taichung, Pingtung, Hualien, Kaohsiung and Tainan cities on courses ranging from the Bachelor to PhD.

Present at the ceremony were the Ministers of Education and Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Mohamed Deria and Dr Essa Kayd Mohamoud, respectively, the Chairman of the Higher Education Council, Dr Suleman Dirir, the Taiwan Ambassador to Somaliland, Allen C Lou, and the Somaliland Ambassador to Taipei, Dr Mohamed Hagi.

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