Legislators Pursue New Aviation Act


The country is set for new legislation regulating the manner in which its airspace and related is managed.

This development follows the distribution of amended copies of the act for debate to legislators by members of the House of Representatives committee on community and religious affairs.

During the house session of the 22nd March chaired by speaker Abdirahman Mohamed Abdilahi ‘Irro’ members were paced through poignant points that necessitated amendments most importantly being outcomes of the Communiqué of the Somaliland and Somalia Dialogue held in Istanbul Turkey between 7 and 9 July 2013.

According to the communiqué the two neighboring countries of Somaliland and Somalia are to set up a Joint Airspace Control Body to be headquartered in Hargeisa to lead the air traffic control of both sides. It was also agreed that this body will propose a mechanism for equitable revenue-sharing.

Points covered in the amended Somaliland Aviation act and in conformation with Articles 10 and 53 of the Somaliland constitution include

  1. The Name of the new law shall be the Somaliland Civil Aviation Management and Authority Act
  2. Policies and procedures for the Somaliland Civil Aviation Management and Authority Act
  3. Legal parameters involved in the management of Somaliland airspace
  4. Mandate and authority granted the ministry of Civil Aviation
  5. Legislation establishing a joint airspace control body
  6. Financial management of the body shall conform to the Chicago Convention and Somaliland laws.

I. Aviation minister to nominate 10 individuals as members of the body.

II. Those nominated should be qualified in the fields of Aeronautical Engineering, Aviation Law, Air Transport Management, Aerodrome Engineering, Senior Aviation Management and Telecommunications.

III. After ministerial nomination the president will through a presidential decree appoint five as representatives of the republic of Somaliland to the Joint Airspace control body.

According to the house speaker Abdirahman Irro this act places in a nutshell all aspects of the Somaliland airspace management and more specific in relation to the dictates of world globalization in which nations are forced to operate various aspects in tandem.

While terming the civil aviation and management Act as very important to the country in relation to attainment of Somaliland Vision 2030 Speaker Irro urged members to study the draft laws properly thence informed debate and expedited recommendations or approval.

Ironically the above detailed are what the MPs are expected to debate from the Amended laws presented by the parliamentary sub- committee responsible notwithstanding that the establishment of the joint airspace management body is almost two years overdue and resumption of talks between Somaliland and Somalia facilitated by the Turkish government are in abeyance.

(Source: Somalilandsun)


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