Somaliland: Sanaag Region New Source of Rare Earth Elements


Recent geological survey indicated that Somaliland has ample deposits of gemological period comprises; the Neogene to Quaternary, Oligocene, Paleocene to Eocene, Cretaceous, Jurassic marine deposits (prevailingly early to middle and late Jurassic), Triassic deposits, Magmatic; intrusive plutonium, and vulcanite. Formed over 6 billion years ago, uranium, a dense, silvery-white metal, was created “during the fiery lifetimes and explosive deaths in stars in the heavens around us,”

Somaliland is part of the Mozambique belt and prior to million years ago, and was in the same area as Madagascar, Tanzania, Democratic republic of Congo,

Vast amounts of  gemstones from emerald to aquamarine, ruby and sapphire as well as garnet, quartz and opal as well as radioactive minerals such as Titanite, which is named for its titanium content, occurs as translucent to transparent, reddish brown, gray, yellow, green, or red monoclinic crystals. These crystals are typically sphenoid in habit and are often twinned. As a gemstone, titanite is usually some shade of chartreuse, but can be brown or black. Hue depends on Fe content, with low Fe content causing green and yellow colors, and high Fe content causing brown or black hues. Zoning is typical in titanite. It is prized for its exceptional dispersive power (0.051, B to G interval) which exceeds that of diamond.[13] Jewelry use of titanite is limited, both because the stone is uncommon in gem quality and is relatively soft.

Plutonium is a transuranic radioactive chemical element with symbol Pu and atomic number 94. It is an actinide metal of silvery-gray appearance that tarnishes when exposed to air, and forms a dull coating when oxidized) and Vesuvianite, also known as idocrase, is a green, brown, yellow, or blue silicate mineral.
Over one-third of the energy produced in most nuclear power plants comes from plutonium. It is created in the reactor as a by-product.
Plutonium recovered from reprocessing normal reactor fuel is recycled as mixed-oxide fuel (MOX).Plutonium is the principal fuel in a fast neutron reactor, and is progressively bred from non-fissile U-238.Plutonium has occurred naturally, but except for trace quantities it is not now found in the Earth’s crust.

16In practical terms, there are two different kinds of plutonium to be considered: reactor-grade and weapons-grade. The first is recovered as a by-product of typical used fuel from a nuclear reactor, after the fuel has been irradiated (‘burned’) for about three years. The second is made especially for the military purpose, and is recovered from uranium fuel that has been irradiated for only 2-3 months in a plutonium production reactor. The two kinds differ in their isotopic composition but must both be regarded as a potential proliferation risk, and managed accordingly. Vesuvianite occurs as tetragonal crystals in skarn deposits and lime stones that have been subjected to contact metamorphism. It was first discovered within included blocks or adjacent to lavas on Mount Vesuvius, hence its name.

Uranium is a very heavy metal which can be used as an abundant source of concentrated energy. Uranium occurs in most rocks in concentrations of 2 to 4 parts per million and is as common in the Earth’s crust as tin, tungsten and molybdenum. and other  bauxites ,bauxite is a limonite iron ore in which a part of the iron has been replaced by aluminum, coke, Coke, is a fuel with few impurities and a high carbon content, usually made from coal. Coke is used in preparation of producer gas which is a mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen, Coke is also used to manufacture water gas,, fluorspar, manganese, silicon carbide, yellow phosphorus and Zink.

img_20150828_142141In addition to strategic minerals critical to international security and science, from pegmatite, which are the host rocks of emerald and other kinds of beryllium such as aquamarine, Sanaag is endowed with a great wealth natural resources, The richest province in Somaliland, have minerals, sea, water resources, and agricultural potential.  As well as, prehistoric archaeological buried treasures that couldn’t be valued or exchange face value. A fact that attract the eyes of the China (Sino-U) , South Africa and Australia. Who are intentionally violated the world trade organizations ”WTO” and international Atomic Energy Agency “IAEA” rules and regulations.

Why do Chinese targeted Sanaag region? According to a leaks from minister of Energy and Minerals of Somaliland stated Judith Kinnaird abstract, Susan Shabangu, South Africa’s Minister of Mineral Resources, conference august, 2013 in Perth, Australia.
And feb,3-6, 2014. Investing in Africa mining indaba, cape town, South Africa

Somaliland Rare Earth Elements are economically exploitable and expensive, although not free from problem. Judith Kinnaird describes the minerals and mineral deposits that prove, Somaliland is potential sources of Uranium ore, alloys, or metal oxides: and demonstrated how vesuvianite react acids, and how important to defenses, and irreplaceable” while Somaliland analytic chemists starts trial and error experiments by combination and permutation techniques…….. !!

However, clandestine mining operations was initiated and cover name is “Sanaag road project”” the Chinese experts and equipment were pre-deployed.

img_20151108_110554 The geological wealth of Sanaag is obvious. The massive mineral reserves of range of mountains of platinum, gold and vesuvianite are primary target minerals. Labor miners were never warned of the hazards of radioactivity in the mines in which they might inhale, ingest and brought home along with their contaminated clothing. We can see the possibility of a shattering effect on the morale of the employees if they become aware that there was substantial reason to question the standards of safety under which they are working. In the hands of labor the results of this study would add substance to demands for extra-hazardous pay . . . knowledge of the results of this study might increase the number of claims of occupational injury due to radiation.”

The Sanaag Region contain an estimated $20 trillion worth of untapped mineral wealth. “ Waaq-Dariya” has vas metamorphic (coal) rocks that hold nodules of ruby and sapphire, should be exploited. Sanaag  mine yielded the highest concentrations of uranium ore (30-70%)

Another major concern is the proliferation of weapons. The proliferation threat environment is a fluid, open borders and sea arena that reflects the broader global reality of an increasingly free movement of people, goods and information. While this environment is critical for peaceful scientific and economic advances, it also allows the materials, technologies and know-how related to CBRN weapons, as well as missile delivery systems — to be shared with ease and speed.

Somaliland Net



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