Almost 20000 Americans were asked to point out North Korea on a map. This was the result.


People are less likely to think the US should do nothing about North Korea, if they cannot point to it on a map.

The New York Times recently conducted a survey in which they asked 1, 746 adults to mark where they thought North Korea was.

Here are what the results looked like:Picture: New York Time

They then asked the respondents a few questions about diplomacy with North Korea.

As the New York Times put it:

Those who could find North Korea were much more likely to disagree with the proposition that the United States should do nothing about North Korea.

They were however less likely to advocate economic sanctions, increasing pressure on China, or cyber attacks on military targets.

Net support for Can point to North Korea Cannot point to North Korea
Economic sanctions 59 49
Increasing pressure on China 63 48
Cyberattacks against military targets 37 18
Military action 5 9
Conducting airstrikes -1 3
Sending arms and supplies -12 -13
Sending ground troops -34 -19
Doing nothing -45 -22


Republican men were more likely to find North Korea than Democratic men, while women of both parties identified it at roughly the same rate.

Education had a huge effect in the ability to identify the country, with postgraduates the most likely to identify the country.

More: 10 reasons North Korea hates the United States


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