Dahabshiil Provides Winter Gear to Urtehagen Orphanage


Kids living at the Urtehagen Orphanage Center in Burao, Togdheer, received new provisions from Dahabshiil Group this week.

Dahabshiil provided blankets, jackets and warm jerseys to about 80 boys and girls given shelter and education by the center on Sunday.

Handing over the supplies to the Center authorities and guardians, Ahmed Adan, Director of Dahabshiil Togdheer, said ‘This winter is proving to be particularly harsh, and we have felt that kids at the orphanage must have been hit harder. Thus, this small token to help them weather the inclement season”.

Center Beneficiary

Mr. Adan further stated that Dahabshiil Group will continue to monitor the situation and provide more according to prevailing conditions in both the near and far future.

Both guardians and children at the Center expressed their delight at the timely gesture Dahabshiil Group provided.

“This comes at a time winter is ravaging all of Somaliland putting the lives of the more vulnerable like ourselves at risk,” one of the kids, expressing the gratitude of his friends, said.

The Center is one of many dotting at and on the outskirts of a number of cities in the fledgling republic whose inmates is beset by a winter which appears to be more fierce than its predecessors in over ten years past.


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