10 Top Russian universities open up to Somaliland students, accept Somaliland passport


In Russia, there are 315 higher education institutions with 4th level of accreditation in the world. Studying medicine and engineering in Russian State University will open up new doors to all Somaliland students this New Year. They are pleased to announce that they have started admission for the academic year 2016-17.Moscow-State-Unive_2360927bThey are accepting new students in January – February and 10 of the Top Russian State Universities have stated that they will accept Somaliland students privately if they meet 8 admission requirements. After negotiations and agreements with Russians Higher education institutions, they have stated that they will accept Somaliland Passport for the first time.

After negotiations and agreements with Russia’s Higher education institutions, they have stated that they will accept Somaliland Passport for the first time.

They require the following documents for the start of admission process:

  • Filled application form 2- Copy of passport and ID 3- Copy of school Certificates 4- Birth Certificate (optional)

The hardest admission requirement is that each student must pay one year full charges in advance including full first year Tuition fees, accommodation cost, food cost, medical insurance, medical checkups, admission fees, administration fees, registration fees, visa extension fees, contract service charges, certificate legalizing charges, commission charges, invitation letters charges, certificate and equalization of education document from Ministry of Education Russia and courier charges.

For example, one year full charge for medical field is from$8000-9000and the second year charges will become automatically cheaper than the first year and with it being from $5000-7000. Postgraduate Master programmes for the medical field will cost $6000 per year inclusive. For postgraduate Gas, Petroleum and engineering field will cost from$4000- 6000 per year depending on the rank and location of the University.

Study in Moscow is associated with following financial conditions: Tuition fee: USD 1650- 2500 per semester depending on study field and University ranks, Accommodation fee: USD 60-100 month depending on location of the university Insurance fee: USD 110 per year Application deadline October 2016

In the medical field, all Russian State Universities are internationally accredited and acknowledged globally and are listed on the W.H.O (World Health Organization). All Russian State Universities are members of the FAIRMER (Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and research) and they are recognized by the European Union.

Important: For those students who lack GCSE higher school certificates, they must join in preparatory courses for 6-10 months and can apply anytime in the year. All subjects will be conducted in English or Russian mediums of instruction.

The recruitment will be starting by the New Year (January 2016).Therefore, please pass on this information to all of your friends, families and your main contacts.

If you are interested in or require any more information about studying in Russian State Universities, please feel free to contact us using the emails and numbers below,

Many Thanks,

Abdi Yusuf

Higher education consultant

Mobile: 44-07950 341 347 – Abdi Yusuf ( UK ) Mobile : 00252 63 443 1112 – Amiira M Abdirahman ( Somaliland )

Email: studyruushka@gmail.com Email: inafidhinel@gmail.com


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