Albright – Former US Secretary of State vows to convert to Islam for this reason


Former US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, has vowed to convert to Muslim if Trump should go ahead to create an Islamic database and ban Muslim migrants from entering the country.

Albright who is the first female Secretary of State under the administration of former President Bill Clinton tweeted on Wednesday, January 26 that: “I was raised Catholic, became Episcopalian & found out later my family was Jewish.”

Albeit in a separate tweet insisted that America is a free country and people regardless of what faith they belong to, should feel welcome and safe in the country.

Another lady, Mayim Bialik, an actress of the Big Bang movie has also vowed to become a Muslim in solidarity for the Muslims if US President Trump should go ahead with his threat.

 Mayim Bailik in her own tweet insisted that American white males are more dangerous than Muslims and insisted that if Trump consider Muslims dangerous, he must also consider white males as dangerous people.

Madeleine Albright and Mayim Bialik both said they “stand ready” to register, in defiance of President Trump.

 BBC NEWS reported that although Trump during his campaign in 2015 said he would register Muslims as potential danger to United States, but there has been no mention of a register of American Muslims in recent months.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s vow to tighten US borders and deport illegal immigrants is already being enforced as 92 immigrants of African origin were sent packing.

The immigrants were deported on Wednesday, January 25 on the same day the US president signed the executive actions on building the wall along the Mexican border.



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