3,000men trained by Kenya Defence Forces missing

An aerial view of wajir county.Northeast professional association members said the attacks in Mandera, Wajir and Garissa counties could be carried out by people trained by the Kenya Defence Forces to fight alongside the Somali Federal Government.Photo/HEZRON NJOROGE

An association from Northeastern wants the whereabouts of 3,000 people given paramilitary training in Manyani and Archers’ Post established.

The Northeast Professionals Association said the attacks in Mandera, Wajir and Garissa counties could have be carried out by people trained by the Kenya Defence Forces to fight alongside the Somali Federal Government.

The members spoke during a meeting with the Editors Guild in Nairobi yesterday.

Nepa chairman Mohammed Arale called on the government to set up a “state-of-the-art” immigration office to check movement across the Kenya-Somalia border.

Arale said for the war on terror to be won, the government needs to win the hearts and minds of the people.

He said local communities mistrust both police and al Shabaab.

“There is no structured involvement of the communities in intelligence gathering, reporting and protection of the sources,” Arale said.

He said imams should be provided with security to embolden them to speak up against al Shabaab.

The new county commissioner, Mohammed Saleh said it will no longer be business as usual when his team arrives in Garissa.


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