AU Condemns Al-Shabaab Attack on a Mogadishu Mosque – Press Release


The AU Special Representative for Somalia, Ambassador Francisco Caetano Madeira, has strongly condemned the recent brazen attack on a Mosque in Mogadishu’s Hamar Jajab district, in which one person was killed.

An Al-Shabaab gunman attacked worshippers last Saturday evening, during ‘Maqrib’ prayers and shot one person before escaping with his gun.

“I am dismayed at this sacrilegious act,” Ambassador Madeira said. “The attack confirms that Al-Shabaab has neither respect for Islam, whose teachings abhor the shedding of innocent blood, nor for holy places of worship”.

The Head of AMISOM also denounced wanton killings and abductions of young children by the terror group. While criticising the abhorrent acts of cowardice visited on the country’s vulnerable groups, Ambassador Madeira noted that the killings targeting defenceless children and youth had all the hallmarks of the terror group.

“They have descended to the lowest point. They are desperate and are seeking to make headlines by such despicable acts,” Madeira remarked.

He expressed concern over the increase of drive-by shootings on innocent hardworking youth. “Somalia is losing some of its most resourceful people through these killings” he stated.

While commiserating with the families of deceased, he reiterated AMISOM’s commitment to work with the Somali security forces and other partners, to put an end to the indiscriminate killings; and the wanton attacks on mosques, hotels and other social places.

For more information
Lt Colonel Richard Omwenga or Ms. Gifty Bingley
Cell phone: (Somalia) +252 617 682 175; (Nairobi) +254 771 993 695


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