Faisal must not attempt to drive a wedge between Djibouti, Somaliland


The honorable Head of the Djibouti diplomatic mission in Somaliland, Hussein Omar Kawalie, upbraided the Chairman of the Justice and Social Welfare Department, UCID, Faisal Ali Waraabe, for trying to drive a wedge between the two countries of Somaliland and Djibouti.

Faisal said that national security and subscriber privacy were at risk since the fiber optic cable used in Somaliland went through Djibouti.

In an attempt to strike one for Telesom, whose chairman he was welcoming at the airport, Faisal directly attacked other major Somaliland companies, and especially those involved in the telecommunications sector.

“We ask the parliament – although I do not recognize them as such anymore – to waive the monopoly to the provision of services given to certain companies,” he said.

“Our privacy and classified contents are no longer safe as they pass through Djibouti,” he said.

What he did not know, perhaps, was that Telesom used Djibouti telecom services, too.

The envoy said words the party leader uttered at a reception he took part at the airport on Monday were not only unbecoming to a national party leader but an outright affront to diplomacy, etiquette and the observance of mutually beneficial relations.

“The two countries of Djibouti and Somaliland are not only neighbors but brothers,” Ambassador Kawalie said.

“Djibouti is a fast developing country that respects – and is respected in return – by neighbors and the world at large,” he said.

The Envoy added that there was nothing but mutual respect and cooperation on many fronts, including development, between the two countries.

“Faisal has nothing to contribute to anybody but vitriolic, bellicose comments which only show how shallow and insensitive to regional geopolitics he is,” Mr. Kawalie added.

Faisal, he stated, was one of a few people who have habituated unfounded criticism of Djibouti, its leader, President Ismail Omar Gheele, and his first lady, Khadra Mohamoud Haid.

“It is better that we concentrate on development, cooperation on fostering good relations,” Envoy Kawalie.



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