President Siilaanyo Officially Opens First Phase of Dawga-cad Road


His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Somaliland, officially declared open the first phase of the 105 kilometer-long Dawga-cad asphalt road, today.

In so doing, the President stressed the vital link roads provided among the community and in connecting remote areas to the hub of business and development of urban centers. The President emphasized that all types of roads made farms and towns, coastal areas and pastoral ranges, mountainous habitats and centers of trade and business – all accessible to one another.

Dawga-cad, he underlined, symbolized the kind of cooperation on development that the government and its public have embarked on during the tenure of the incumbent government reteurning self-hel schemes to their old glory and usefulness once more.

The President promised that the government would continue contributing to the completion of the road, and other similarly ongoing projects of its kind.

A number of Sultans and traditional leaders, members of the committee leading the construction of the road and other notable members of the business community, speaking at the occasion, supported each other in pointing out different angles relating to the long and arduous process that successfully culminated in this first phase of the road being officially blessed open by the head of the state.

The President was accompanied on this historic event by the First Lady, Amina-Weris Sheikh Mohamoud, a number of Ministers, Sultans, the Dawga-cad Road Construction committee, and great number of dignitaries and citizens.

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