Cristiano Ronaldo shows off impressive dance moves for new CR7 shoe range + video


CR7 Footwear Campaign par enteritament

Cristiano Ronaldo can sing (sort of), play football (very well) and now apparently dance (to an extent) as his latest promotional video shows.

The Real Madrid star brought out his array of dance moves for his new line of CR7 shoes – the most expensive of which retails at $300.

This comes, nearly a month after he showed the world his wonderful singing talent in a karaoke to mark his 30th birthday.

“Launching my own smart footwear collection is a dream come true”, said Ronaldo.

“I’m very proud that our CR7 Footwear collection uses only the finest locally sourced materials with designs hand-crafted in Portugal by a team of truly talented craftsmen.”

Ronaldo’s obsession with personal image was emphasised further earlier in the week when it was revealed that he sends a stylist to brush his waxwork figure at a Madrid museum once a month.

Nice work, Cristiano!


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