The 2nd set of confidential Sony information leaked by WikiLeaks


WikiLeaks Sony document release logoWikiLeaks strikes again

WikiLeaks creates online archive of hacked Sony documents
In this Feb. 1, 2012 file photo, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks founder, arrives at the Supreme Court in London. (Photo: AP)

Several months after the first big cyberterrorism hack, WikiLeaks has struck again. On Thursday, WikiLeaks added another 276,394 emails, financial documents, and other private information from Sony Pictures Entertainment onto its website. This comes shortly after the fall 2014 attack and the first batch in April of this year, which released 30,000 documents. These documents are known as “Sony Files Part 2”. These files all come from a November attack on the Guardians of Peace. They mainly consist of financial and legal literature in addition to thousands of confidential emails that were previously leaked.

This isn’t the first time Sony was hacked in recent history

The Sony WikiLeaks attack is following suite to its April attack by the North Koreans. The timing surrounding this new WikiLeaks release is quite off, due to the fact that its founder, Julian Assange, made his third year at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.
Those who use the WikiLeaks site now have the ability to view the documents in entirety, and the site even offers help to those who plan to look at the topics. Its Twitter page says that the hacked information contains proof of investigations for bribery and other legal troubles for Sony.
Once again, WikiLeaks claims that its actions were justifiable due to the fact that Sony Pictures Entertainment was in the middle of a political conflict and that Sony was an influential voice in global copywriting considerations.

Hacked documents contain private celebrity information

Some of the files obtained by WikiLeaks through the hacking of Sony held sensitive information about celebrities. For example, there were emails about the pay difference between Amy Adams and the leading male actors in “American Hustle”. Emma Stone’s phone number and email address were revealed, prompting the young actress to delete all six years of her emails as soon as she possibly could. She stated that doing so made her cry, since some of the emails she deleted were with people who had passed away. Other private information posted to the WikiLeaks site included Sony employees’ private medical information.

Sony has yet to comment on this issue, but will soon release a statement in response to the actions of WikiLeaks.


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