EXPOSED: Man Madasha used in fictitious UK Foreign office meeting denies association, calling the story fake


The gentleman whose photos were used in the Madasha/Qulumbe scandalous claim of meeting with Foreign and Commonwealth officials in London to mar the reputation of Somaliland leading figures in politics, Mr. Gordon Bentley, emphatically distanced himself from both an association with the Madasha gentlemen and/or the British Foreign and Commonwealth employment.

Mr. Bentley posted his refutation in his Facebook page.“I personally find the idea of me working in the British diplomatic service laughable. Almost a joke,” he said.

Mr. Bentley said (see image above) were informally taken “at the premises of Oasis and Care and Training Agency in South London after visitors were given a guided tour and presented with information on delivery of social care services”.This proves a scandal of gargantuan proportions to the so-called, unconstitutional Madasha and the people who have so ignominiously, so disgracefully used Mr. Bentley and other colleagues for their own politically blind ends.

Mr. Saeed Qulumbe shows Mr. Bentley in the Press conference Youtube clip he posted misrepresenting Mr, Bentley and the UK Commonwealth Office logo in a fictitious event neither was even distantly associated with.

The photos that Mr. Saeed Qulumbe and Hassan Guure, the so-called Chairperson of the illegal and unlawful Madasha presented as proof included the copies shown below:


The Madasha’s defamatory claims are now being followed through not only by the people and institutions whose images were so criminally exploited for political gains, but by other more powerful partners in the Somaliland  and Somalia development and democratization process.

The Republic of Somaliland is presenting the case to the UK government for expeditious action.

Certainly, if the law does not prevail in matters such as these, the public’s rights to judge events for themselves will be so unconstitutionally tampered with.


Hana Barkhad, a Somalilander, using sources that revealed the truth, blew the whistle on the shenanigans  that the Madasha has added to its ignoble history of presenting adoomed Somaliland to the outside world in a well-turned out article widely published by the Somaliland, Somalia media.


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