Gunmen storm police station in India’s Punjab

Gunmen have stormed a police station in the northern Indian state of Punjab, reportedly killing everyone inside. Prior to the assault the terrorists opened fire at a bus station. Up to six civilians are believed to have been killed in the ongoing terror attack.Embedded image permalinkThe terror attack began at around 5:00am local time when the gunmen first opened fire at a bus near the Punjab-Jammu Kashmir border. The gang composed of armed men wearing camouflage uniforms then hijacked a car to get to the police station.

According to Times of India, six civilians were killed in the attacks, while another four people were injured. According to an Indian Intelligence Bureau source, all of the policemen inside the building could have been killed, IBN reports.

Police brought in reinforcements and cordoned off the area after the attackers managed to take over the police station. Army commandos and a Quick Response Team (QRT) have also been called in.

The army has taken over the command of the operation to capture the militants as they remain holed up in police quarters, engaging in a firefight with authorities.

According to India’s ANI news agency, at least one suspected militant was killed in the ongoing operation.

Schools and colleges in the area have been closed until the situation in Gurdaspur is resolved.

Source: RT


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