HIBF takes off on a powerful note and a full house (video, Pix, Program)

Edna Adan on the stage. #HIBF
Edna Adan on the stage. #HIBF

The  8th Hargeisa International Book Fair (HIBF), the largest yearly event of its kind in the Horn of Africa,  took off at an astounding note and a participation that filled the hall to the rafters at the Guleid Hotel, Hargeisa. The six-day Fair was given apowerful, house-rocking  launch off on keynote speeches at the head of which was the very remarkable Dr. Edna Adan Ismail – the first First Lady of Somaliland and the Founder of Edna Adan University Hospital, Hargeisa, and Dr. Sa’ad Ali Shire, Minster of Planning for the Republic of Somaliland.

Besides the international guests, a good representation of the Somaliland Cabinet of Ministers, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Abdirahman Abdullahi Irro,  the UCID runner up for the Presidency elections, Jamal Ali Hussein, and very many of Somaliland’s top cream, including corporate businesses such as Dahabshiil were there to grace the event.

Courtesy of Faysal Adan Fifa, Royal TV, the clip below presents a cross-section of events/speeches of the opening event.


A great number of countries were represented at the Book Fair today: South Africa, Egypt, Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Turkey, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, United Kingdom and the United States.image4416image4422image4423image4424image4425image4426image4434

The Book Fair has, for the past seven years, provided a platform for discussions on social reconstruction in Somaliland. It is an opportune time for the convergence of Somalis from the diaspora, the locals and international guests to share in the aspiration for wholesome societies.

SPACES, the theme of the year, examines how Somalis, traditionally nomads, cope with the new spaces they now inhabit as a result of strife, urbanisation and other factors. It is an inquiry into how these changes affect the wellbeing of the people.

The event was organized by the Redsea Cultural Foundation and Kayd in collaboration with the Somaliland Civil Society organizations

Download HIBF 2015 Programe of Events here:

Programme_HIBF 2015_ENGLISH


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