Opening of the trial in the Ntaganda case, 2 September 2015: Practical information for the media


Situation: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Case: The Prosecutor v. Bosco NtagandaThe trial in the case The Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda is scheduled to open on Wednesday, 2 September 2015, at 09:30 (The Hague local time), before Trial Chamber VI of the International Criminal Court (ICC), composed of Presiding Judge Robert Fremr, Judge Kuniko Ozaki and Judge Chang-ho Chung.

Opening statements will be made by the Prosecutor, the Defence and the Legal Representatives of Victims. They are scheduled for 2- 4 September 2015. The start of the Prosecution’s presentation of evidence with the testimony of the first witness is scheduled on 15 September 2015.

Bosco Ntaganda, former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Force patriotiques pour la libération du Congo pour la libération du Congo [Patriotic Force for the Liberation of Congo] (FPLC), is accused of 13 counts of war crimes and five crimes against humanity allegedly committed in Ituri, DRC, in 2002-2003.

Background information


The hearings can be followed with a 30-minute delay on the ICC website at:English, French

Attending the hearing

  • Journalists wishing to cover the hearing are kindly invited to request attendance via email to: All journalists must present a valid press card at the public entrance of the Court, located at Regulusweg (The Hague).
  • Members of the diplomatic corps, NGOs and other members of the public wishing to attend the hearing are kindly invited to request attendance via email to: Attendees must present a valid passport or valid ID with a photo at the public entrance of the Court, located at Regulusweg (The Hague).

Please note that individuals who do not receive a confirmation in advance cannot be guaranteed access to the hearing.

AV materials

Filming or photography is strictly prohibited inside the Court building. However pictures of the hearing will be posted on the Court’s Flickr account.

The following audio-visual materials will be available for download on an FTP server in video (MPEG-4) and audio (MPEG-3) format and for viewing on the official ICC YouTube Channel:

  • Audio and video summaries of the opening statements in French and floor language on the day of the opening of the trial
  • The radio and television programme “Ask the Court” produced in French and Swahili for the opening of the trial
  • The radio and television programme “In the Courtroom” produced in French and Swahili after the end of the opening statements.

Media Centre

For media representatives wishing to use the Court’s media facilities, the media centre will open from 08:30 until two hours after the end of the hearing.

The area can sit up to 64 people and includes plasma TV screens; a Wi-Fi internet service; cards (plug + play) for those without Wi-Fi capability in their PC or laptop; 6 computers with internet access; 7 telephones that may be used free of charge for internal calls. For external calls, journalists are advised to purchase 0800 pre-paid phone cards beforehand. Such cards are available at newsagents and train stations. Please note that phone cards cannot be obtained in the vicinity of, or at, the ICC.


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