Somali councillor attacks Ukip in rousing speech


Somali-born councillor Hibaq Jama was greeted by rapturous applause after she attacked Ukip and Conservative councillors for their stances on the refugee crisis.

Jama, councillor for Lawrence Hill who came to Britain with her family when she was two years old as a refugee fleeing civil war, accused the Micheal Frost (Ukip) and Richard Eddy (Conservative) of giving a “mandate for murder” by demonising refugees.

Jama was responding to letters in the Bristol Post from Eddy and Frost. In Frost’s letter he claimed welcoming refugees into the city would hit the poorest hardest.

He added: “As a city “of sanctuary” we have done more than most to accommodate asylum seekers, economic migrants, travelling thieves, vagrants, and of course thousands of East Europeans that can just turn up here demanding housing, schooling, medical care etc, due to our EU membership.”



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