Twenty million liters a day for Hargeisa soon


DSC_0004H.E President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Silanyo earlier on Sunday morning accompanied by top cabinet Minsters the European Union, UN-HABITAT and Somaliland Development Fund officials attended the formal inauguration ceremony which marked the start of installation works for the new 23-km long water supply pipeline from Ged Deeble to Hargeisa.

The day started with a visit to HUWSUP HWA Pipe Yard, followed by visit of ongoing Excavation & pipe-laying site, 2km South of Biyo Khadar which was later followed by the cutting of ribbon by H.E President Ahmed Mohamed Mahmoud Silanyo ,  with SL Government officials, HUWSUP Donors, UN-Habitat, MCC Contractor and local Community leaders.

The high level delegation after concluding the Biyo -Shiinaha trip returned to Mansour Hotel the event venue whereby Opening ceremony got under way with live visual project screening of the introduction Programme meant to update on the water project objectives and the progress since the project was conceived.

His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Siilaanyo”, re-affirmed the government’s commitment on the Somaliland development map.DSC_0179“Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the Somaliland Government and people, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the development partners (EU), UK, Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Germany, and the World Bank for their generous assistance to Somaliland over the years. We value the role you play in Somaliland in assisting us to bring about prosperity and opportunity for our people.

“My Government is committed to provide safe and affordable drinking water to citizens of this country, the ongoing HUWSUP will alleviate problems of the water shortage in the city by supplying enough clean water to all the sectors of the town including to those without the water connections currently.

The objective of this project is simple and straightforward: to increase the amount of water to Hargeisa from nearby well fields, and to ensure that the supply system is secure and sustainable”, the President stated.

The UAE funded Humbowaayne water supply project upon completion will ease the water scarcity in the city of Hargeisa  and also improve the quality and quantity of fresh water available to Somaliland citizens.

Ms. Elisabeth LOACKER, European Union Somalia Delegation Representative speech EU – Speech.

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Source: Somalilandpress/


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