Somaliland: Huge toxic waste cylinder surfaces at Harshaw coast north of Erigavo


A huge cylinder full of unkown material has surfaced at Harshaw coast of Lasa Surad 90 kilometres north of Erigavo.CaptureThe cylinder washed onshore by the recent cyclones and waves could contain hazardous materials that could put the people living in the area at risk . The cylinder carries and identifying label engraved on its side which shows : KM JTB GROUP.

MP Qamar Taleex who spoke to the press yesterday  called upon the government of Somaliland to send experts to the area as soon as possible because of the risk that the container poses to the public. The container is currently guarded by members of the local community, according to the local press.

Any spillage of the contents of this cylinder could cause a wide range of medical problems such as mouth bleeds, abdominal haemorrhages, unusual skin disorders and breathing difficulties, as well as general poisoning and death.

Many European, US and Asian shipping firms – notably Switzerland’s Achair Partners and Italy’s Progresso – signed dumping deals in the early 1990s with Somalia’s politicians and militia leaders.

This meant they could use the Somalia coast as a toxic dumping ground. This practice became widespread as Somalia descended into civil war.

But Somaliland is not part of Somalia and therefore, that deal does not cover Somaliland shores. Yet these firms misuse this long and unguarded coast of the eastern parts of Somaliland and often dump toxic waste at the barren areas and the shores of Sanaag region. This is in addition to the rampant illegal fishing that goes in the shores of the region.

Somaliland government should immediately send experts to dispose off this suspicious container regardless of its contents and the coast guard services should be immediately extended to the eastern coasts of Somaliland.


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