Somaliland: President Siilaanyo visits Haj Abdi Waraabe on sick bed


The President of the Republic of Somaliland, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud “Siilaanyo”, today, visited MP Haji Abdikareem Hussein Yussuf “Haj Abdi Waraabe”, who, of late, had been suffering of poor health, on sick bed.The president accompanied by the Ministers for Presidency, Mohamoud Hashi Abdi, Finance, Zamzam Abdi, Aviation, Addanni, Information, Abdullahi Ukusse, Presidential Advisor,  M M Abees, Police Chief Commander, Gen. Fadal, the Regional Governor and the Presidential Spokesman, was later joined in today’s visit by the leader of UCID opposition party, Faisal Ali Hussein.

Upon reaching the Haj’s residence, the president prayed for the Haj’s recuperation, informing him that his government will spare no dime or effort to take him to more advanced health facilities in neighboring countries such as the UAE, and would come up for all necessary resources if the need arose for institutions further afield.

The Haji on his part prayed that the president continue on the commendable leadership tradition he set for future aspirants, and to continue the trend he set for taking care of his subjects wherever, whenever the need arose.

Haji Abdikareem, long-standing member of Somaliland’s Guurti House, the Second half to the Representatives of the country’s bicameral parliament, is believed to be the oldest actively working man in Somaliland and the uncontested national icon for peace building.


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