Somaliland: Nationwide public consultations on House of Representatives election law Launched


The Somaliland House of Representatives of the Republic of Somaliland, in collaboration with the Academy for Peace and Development (APD) and SONSAF, on Thursday,   in the premises of the National Assembly, launched a country-wide public hearing consultations on the legal review completion of the Somaliland House of Representatives election law, and to address the outstanding issues regarding the proportional parliamentary seat allocations to the respective six regions of Somaliland. The campaign is due to kick off on Saturday 27th February 2016 and is expected to last for duration of 25 days.DSCN0666The process is part of a project funded by Foreign and Common Wealth Office (FCO), which through the International Peace-building Alliance (Interpeace) one of the the main partner of the implementing organization the Academy for Peace and Development (APD). The FCO project, as a second leg of electoral legal review completion, follows the commencement of electoral legal review process which was part of the Pillars of Peace (PoP I and II) programme implemented by APD in partnership with Interpeace and in close collaboration with the House of Representatives and its sub-committee of internal affairs and laws. This paved the way the first leg activity of initiating electoral legal review and accomplish to make the first revised draft of the House of Representatives election law no. 20-2/2005 in late 2015.

The three national political parties of KULMIYE, UCID and WADDANI, in coordination with the two key civil society institutions  implementing project  notably Academy for Peace and Development (APD) and its ally SONSAF, and injunction the sub-committee on internal affairs and laws members of the House of Representatives whom are mandated to the conduction of this activity.DSCN0718The House speakers Honorable Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi (Cirro) and his deputy speaker Honorable Bashe Farah both expressed their gratitude to the donor institution, the FCO and Interpeace, as well as the implementing institute APD for their generous support of making possible the completing process of electoral legal review particularly the House of Representatives election law before Somaliland 2017 elections.

Also, members from the leadership of the political parties warmly acknowledgment the activity. Mr. Mohamed Kahin, from the leading party KULMIYE noted that: “Though it’s too late carrying such activity at the time due to its essential sensitivities largely on the issue of House’s seat allocations claims”. He added: “the issue should be looked in a national interest manner rather than for political party, government, parliament or clan interests”.

The general secretary of UCID Mr. Abdinasir said: “The issue we need to address and assess should not be limited to only the argument of seat allocations, but, we, UCID party, have other concerns relating to the law provisions that also need to be addressed”. He added: “the issue of candidate election and winning system is another subject”. Also Mr. Uurcade from WADDANI appreciated the activity on behalf of his party and noted: “that the activity is a fundamental part for having an election law for the House”.DSCN0745Mr. Mohamed Farah The director of the Academy for Peace and Development (APD) addressing the said: “Academy for Peace and Development (APD )is contributing to have a free and fair elections. This activity is not the first we supported the House but it’s a continuation of our collaboration and support to the house and Somaliland democratic processes” He added: “The aim process is to meet and listen the opinions of the wider public across regions and to put in their analysis into the law to improve public inclusion in the process of electoral legal review and promote public ownership of the laws”.DSCN0681Mr. Mustafa Sacad Dhimbil , chairman of the Somaliland Non- State Actors Forum (SONSAF) speaking during the occasion , said, “Somaliland Non- State Actors Forum (SONSAF) through the Somaliland Civil Society Election Forum (SCISEF) is committed to enhance the role of civil society in the electoral process including the monitoring and observation of voter registration and elections at the regional and national levels.DSCN0682DSCN0737DSCN0699DSCN0742DSCN0755DSCN0725DSCN0753DSCN0731DSCN0708DSCN0707



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